Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Arnie is Foul Mouthed


Another Decade Look will be posted tomorrow but for tonight I thought I'd mention the two "Fuck You Asshole" songs. If you're not a fan of foul language then you probably won't enjoy these but when you need something stupid to cheer you up these songs will do the trick. The first version was made by Stan Kovich (a follower of this blog) and though it's simpler it's definitely the funnier one of the two. Here it is now:

Not too long ago I decided to make my own version and it goes like this:

So there you have it, next time you just want to say "fuck you asshole" to someone put on one of these videos and you'll feel a lot better. You might even forget who it was you wanted to tell off because of the stupidity you just finished witnessing.

More tomorrow.

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