Friday, January 29, 2010

Decade Look: Part 9 - Air's Talkie Walkie

I mentioned in my best of 2009 list that Air could make the same music for the next 10 years and I'd still be interested. I think part of the reason I said that is because I am still hopeful that they will release something as classic as 2004's "Talkie Walkie". To be quite frank it's because of this album that I still listen to Air at all, nothing else they have done comes close to it. The album's acoustic guitar and piano driven songs are perfectly mixed with soft pad synths and vocals. There is also something about the music that stirs up nostalgic feelings from around that time; nothing particularly memorable or noteworthy but nevertheless there (if that makes sense). "Talkie Walkie" starts off nicely but it isn't until third and fourth tracks "Run" and "Universal Traveler" that the album really starts to take off. "Run" is perhaps the best song Air have ever made with it's almost hypnotic chorus and little squelching synth hits. I can almost guarantee you that you will be whistling along to "Alpha Beta Gaga" by the second or third playing; it's beyond infectious. Many people will probably recognize final track "Alone in Kyoto" from the movie "Lost in Translation". It's up there with "Run" in terms of quality; the chorus consists of a looped backing of "boops" and a "do" followed by a single xylophone note. Minimal but effective.

On a side note, that album cover has to be one of the worst ever. Agreed?

Standout tracks: Run, Universal Traveler, Surfing on a Rocket, Alpha Beta Gaga, Alone in Kyoto

1 comment:

Fingish said...

Worst ever? how about...hmmm...this maybe?

You should start a thread just for fun.